Apple and Google Urged to Dump Saudi App That Lets Men Track Women

Saudi Arabia, one of the most restrictive countries in the world for women, requires that all women obtain permission from their male “guardian” (usually a father or husband, or sometimes a brother or son) to travel, have medical procedures, or make other types of decisions. In 2015, the Saudi government created an app called Absher…

“Traveling While Black Can Be Downright Bizarre”

“What I’ve discovered during my travels is that my race serves, simultaneously, as both a repellent and an invitation, prompting avoidance and intrusion. In places where the locals have had few (or no) interactions with black people, I’ve been met with a wide range of reactions—some frankly astonishing…” Read the full story: Daily BeastPhoto credit: Unsplash/N.

Japan’s Working Mothers: Record Responsibilities, Little Help From Dads

Many Japanese women are stuck in limited roles in the workplace, and one of the biggest hindrances to their ambitions — and the nation’s as a whole — is the disproportionate burden women shoulder at home. While they have entered the work force at historic levels, their avalanche of domestic responsibilities is not shrinking —…